Noble Ungulate
Challenging myself to work with more colors with a painting inspired by my favorite local barbershop.
Selected exhibition by the Franklin County Coroner's Office, July 2019

Less about the glory men seek in combat and more about those intense singular moments of clarity and the thought that occurs there.
Selected exhibition by the Franklin County Coroner's Office, July 2019

Portrait of Hemingway, Acrylic

Portrait of Eddie Vedder, Acrylic

From my time in a black and white, commission for my partner; acrylic

Untitled Diptych, Acrylic
Currently on display in the patrol captain's office at the Delaware City Police Department

Two of Five Posters designed for Beaux Arts, 2019

Meeting Posters

Truncated fliers to be used on social media.

Exploring the poster series as simple to print t-shirt graphics.